"The God in our world tends to be more passive," Sora says in to Tet in No Game No Life.
Tet has summoned Sora and his sister Shiro to Disboard, the world where Tet is the "One True God," to have some fun with some intelligent outsiders. And indeed, Tet is a god who puts himself out there. He is very forward, very direct, and very quick to take what he wants.
Do we, here in the real world, want a God like that? Is the God of the Bible truly passive, as Sora claims He is? Should God float right up to every single one us and tell us why we're in this world? And if things aren't how we want them in this world, is it so wrong of us to prefer another where the rules and requirements are very simply, carefully placed in front of us? A world where everything is just a game, so it's hard to get yourself in trouble? A world where people - and deities - are easy to predict and understand at all times?
Consciously, the obvious answer is no. God works in whispers, revealing only what He knows we need at any time. God understands us better than we understand ourselves. Any world that we think is better is merely us portraying our own selfish desires.
So why did Sora's line keep echoing in my head, even after I had stopped watching the series and written it off as good premise, poor execution? Maybe its because all of these answers are easy to give... when its someone else with the problem.
But deep down, I'm often harboring those same complaints towards God.
I'm in college and haven't declared my major yet, with the deadline to do so looming in less than a year. Not knowing what you want to do with your life is hard for anyone - for me, fully believing that I have a specific role I'm supposed to play out in this world, adds a ton of pressure to an already challenging decision. Again, consciously, I know that God hasn't been more specific with me yet because He's waiting on something. Subconsciously, it eats away at me anyway. I wonder why God doesn't put up a billboard telling me what I'm supposed to do next.
And then I look at my Bible, buried under the clutter of homework, personal projects, and time just plain wasted, it occurs to me that I haven't even attempted to let Him whisper, much less yell. I may not have been swept away to Disboard, but I happily sweep myself away to other fictional worlds to shirk my responsibilities to God in the real one.
I may not be a perverted NEET who angsts about their lack of a love life in the way Sora does, but both he and I share a much more pressing issue: we ignore the world we're from and then complain about God being passive. In my life, God is no more guilty of being passive than a friend who I never call. Sora, likewise, compares a god he directly challenges to a God he spends all day hiding from in an MMORPG with his sister.
You reap what you sow in any relationship, including your relationship with the Almighty. If you feel God isn't being active enough towards you, ask yourself how active you've been in following Him.
Great article. I wrote a similar one in regards to No Game, No Life about how their god is the god of games. God bless you, looking forward to reading more. Also, trust God and put your school work in His hands. He will guide you to your major, He knows the plans He has for your life.